
The Rise of the Machines

(Posted 15:52:01 on 26th March 2023 by Rag)
The first blog in a new series that I'm going to start on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Anyone who's listed to me has heard me blab on and on about AI since I first learned about ChatGPT in November of 2022. It was really over Christmas when I had chance to play with it that I really started to understand what AI actually meant and the possibilities it provides. Back then, and even more so now after the release of GPT 4.0, it's pretty obvious this is the going to be the most transformative technology we've seen. The home PC and the iPhone are going to pale in comparison to AI.

These blogs are going to explore thoughts on what AI has to offer, how we will see it adopted and where it will all end. Very exciting stuff!




This is an Artificial Intelligence Blog entry.