
What's It All About Then?

(Posted 16:42:43 on 26th March 2023 by Rag)
So what is AI? Well, who better to ask than ChatGPT which said “I am an artificial intelligence language model known as ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI. My purpose is to engage in human-like conversations and provide helpful responses to various queries and topics. I am capable of generating text based on patterns and context from the vast amount of data that I have been trained on. While I am not a human, I strive to communicate in a natural and relatable way.”

All that is well and good, but the real question here is what is generative AI, to which ChatGPT replied “Generative AI refers to a type of artificial intelligence that can create new and original content, such as images, videos, music, or text. It uses machine learning algorithms, typically based on deep neural networks, to learn from a large dataset of examples and generate new data that is similar in style or content.

Generative AI can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating realistic synthetic images or videos for games and movies, generating new music or art, or even writing entire articles or books. The technology is still in its early stages and has limitations, but it is constantly improving and has the potential to revolutionize many industries.

One of the most impressive applications of generative AI is language models like GPT-3, which can generate text that is almost indistinguishable from text written by humans. These models have the potential to transform the way we communicate and interact with technology, opening up new possibilities for human-machine collaboration and creativity.”

This is one of the topics that I'll dig into here, specifically, how generative AI will evolve and be adopted into the workplace.


This is an Artificial Intelligence Blog entry.