
G-Spot - the Myth and Reality

(Posted 19:17:04 on 30th March 2023 by Rag)
Never let it be said that there isn't an endless search for that G-spot. The question is whether man will ever find it? Obviously I'm referring to the G in AGI which is a term you're going to start to hear more and more. AGI is Artificial General Intelligence. Now, I know this sounds like something that is more basic than we've currently got, but it's not. To put it in other terms, this would be the climax of artificial intelligence. There's multiple technical definitions of AGI and I'm sure much debate as what really constitutes AI transitioning to AGI, but the simplest is to put it in Terminator terms as being the moment when Skynet became self aware.

The reason this is important is the movement to stop development in AI and whether or not there's any validity behind it. Will the machines actually rise and take over? I don't disagree that there's a good discussion to be had here, but I think we're a very long way from getting to that point. The AI models in place right now really aren't that complex and can be created with a lot of Python scripts. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I could whip one up (otherwise I would), but these models are just utilizing data to produce results to queries albeit in a much more sophisticated way than we've seen before which is going to cause the normal fear response that humans have to anything new. This is a very long way from having something think for itself, have it's own goals and objectives or a desire to take over and dominate something so shitty as the human race. I mean, if this thing becomes so smart, wouldn't it just take one look at us, see what we've done to the planet and be like “smell ya later” before building a cosmic travel device and going somewhere else.

This is where I really intended to take this blog, in the direction of speculation of what might be. What are the long term possibilities here? I just needed to lay some groundwork of where we are which, admittedly, is changing on a day to day basis. Back to the topic of this entry and I suspect, as I said, that there will be a lot of discussion about there being no risk from AI and it only being as we push into AGI that there's real concern. The petition that's been signed seems to be an extension of the one signed way back when calling for a ban on using AI in weapons without significant human intervention which is great, but it's not a world-wide petition, so would other countries adhere to it? I kind of think the cat's out of the bag now regarding AI, so I’m not sure there’s a way to stop it. We even have the ability to drop AI onto our own PCs with GPT4All being released recently and made open source.
30th March 2023
“Smell ya later” Huh, wouldn't it be more like “So long and thanks for all the fish” 🐬🔄⭕=👋🙏🐟🐟🐟
Will Smith
31st March 2023
Hey Slarti! GET-MY-CATCHPHRASE-OUT-OF-YOUR-MOUTH or I'll slap you like you're Chris Rock


This is an Artificial Intelligence Blog entry.