
Password Reset

Oh dear! You gone done forgot your password didn't you! Well, not to worry, you have 11.2 seconds from when this page refreshed to text the following code:

Code: hUpwFkjq05PdN5mPoo+hceVKuDKyGjMr/K1dg7NvTyc5ViI0Uli8z71fCUTI0zID7reIctey+SrTZqwvRPscMGw6kyDSQUPPE0PG/1jpCI63AEYpH27D85HACWojLXcZtO0BFUFmgaNVQ/OBwC/7CYmSKu0SFpW7ZlSD8/LmOMfAAl82bBRhqjBAVQTZOytD7eMwNVQL3jp6n+LgXwuGuq25Itq+/QkuHQPNafcYW6jsovoL1xG6dhpqSHkBPaYoMgrm0zi2mjSSkEGfgiBkuAJzjeSfRH+GL1qdKmzMqs+4Hru8S8kiMwkLi9rkvE6aQQyWYzOhj8wH5Q5luhZzUQ==

Just kidding. All you need to do is enter a valid email address below and a reset email will be sent to you. A valid email means one that is registered with us, not just a correctly formatted email address, cus that would be a bit stupid wouldn't it?