
Technology Forum, Adobe Photoshop Sub-Category, Decoding the Photoshop Database Thread

2nd December 2007
Another thread in the form of I already have the answer, but am going to create a thread so I can respond to it on the off chance that anyone ends up here searching for the same thing as me.

So, I have Adobe Photoshop Elements (PSE) v4 (I have the package with Premiere Elements) and am very happy with it, but the other day I thought it would be pretty good if I could get the catalog to sync with this website. This would make it real easy for me to manage photos as they upload from my camera into the Photoshop catalog, I give them tags and do any editing. What I want to do is push a button and it interface with the web database, figure out which photos have been added that are to be displayed on the website (I've added another category called website to identify those photos I want to publish) and go off and create the thumbnails and display pictures.

I have all the coding from the current format to make the images and move files around, so all I wanted to do was export or interface with the PSE database.
2nd December 2007
A few quick searches on the web found the biggest help and that is that PSE uses an MS Database - they just rename the file .psa. So, if you find the catalog file (under documents and settings\all users\application data\adobe\catalogs or just search for .psa on your machine), make a copy of it and rename the copy .mdb and, providing you have MS Access (or, as in my case, a work computer that has MS access) you can look at the tables.

Great, should be easy from here. No! For some reason (presumably how the program accesses the data) it's not build on a relational database structure. The table “FolderTable” contains the details of the tags you've setup and table “ImageTable” contains all the details of your images (where they're stored and a bunch of stuff about the camera). There isn't a table that joins the two and gives you the tags to images. Instead, there is a 400 character binary field called “fFolderInfoArray” in the table ImageTable. This field contains the information you need, but it's not that easy to get to.

I couldn't get MS Access to read the field properlly. Not sure if it's the version of Access, but the field type for fFolderInfoArray is named as “Binary” which isn't a valid field type in access. After a little while of trying, I gave up and decided to use PHP to ODBC into the database and pull the data.

First, if you just use Access to dump the data to a txt file and open it up, the field looks like this:

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - data
 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J - reference

The first two pairs of numbers contain the tag information. Initially I thought it was just the first two, but then I noticed I had tags over the number 255 so it uses the next pair of numbers. It then repeats after every fourth set. Me thinks this would be saying that it uses the first two bits in each byte, but I might be wrong with this. So, tag 1 is AB, tag 2 is EF, tag 3 is IJ etc. Anyway, the weird thing is that it reads it back to front, so instead of doing a Hexadecimal to Decimal conversion on AB, you have to do it on BA. In other words, if your data looks like this:

a6 01 00 00 0C 00 00 00 7D 00

You would have tags 422, 12 and 125 assigned to your data. The hex to dec conversion of 01a6 is 422.

That's all you need to know to do the conversion.

A helpful tip is that the tag file contains heaps of data around uploads of files, printing, scanning etc. So you don't need all of the tags if you just want to extract your user data. You will need to filter this out.
9th December 2007
As an addendum, I filtered out the unwanted tags (those that relate to file loads, emailing, printing etc.) by simply hard coding the ones that I wanted and then finding all their children. So, for example the category “People” has the category number 1 so you just run a looping function to find all the entries in the fFolderTable table with the parent folder field “fParentFolderId” equal to 1. Then looping down to find the children for each of the records selected by repeating the process.

If I get the time I'm going to write a little utility to do this so it can be downloaded. Not sure when I'll get the time, so in the meantime, anyone who wants a PSE database converting can contact me by email.
20th February 2023
Some 16 years after making this thread and posts, I note that the above is pretty irrelevant. I switched to PSE9 which was released in 2010. That's built on a SQLite database which can be browsed or edited with a SQLite browser. The tables and fields are pretty self explanatory and the tags are stored as regular numbers, so no need to decrypt anything.

This post itself is probably out of date as they've quite possibly moved on since then, but I've no intention of upgrading, so no need to find out.