
(Created on 28th March 2011)

Vote #191


I find myself in hospital, yet again. The only thing on my mind is when will I not be in hospital. What day this week will I be released from hospital?


Wednesday was the clear winner with 88% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Sunday (0%)
  • Monday (0%)
  • Tuesday (13%)
  • Wednesday (88%)
  • Thursday (0%)
  • Friday (0%)
  • Saturday (0%)
  • None (not released this week) (0%)


The majority were indeed correct, I was released on Wednesday. Arm is still a little swollen, but the pills seem to be doing their thing and I appear to be on the mend.



(Created on 4th April 2011)

Vote #192


We (Karen, William and myself) seem to be looking forward to the movie Cars 2. We keep hearing of various motor racing celebrities that will be doing the voice overs. Question is - will Cars 2 be as good as the original Cars movie?


They will be as good as each other was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - Cars 2 will be better (33%)
  • No - the original movie will be better (0%)
  • They will be as good as each other (50%)
  • I don't care (17%)


Interesting, I wasn't expecting the response that I got, i.e. that both the movies would be as good as each other. I actually thought there would be some votes for the first one being better on the basis that sequels often don't live up to the expectations set by the originals. Just look at Matrix, for example. Anyway, that's the way the majority voted. I can live with that as I'm looking forward to seeing it. I'm being quietly optimistic that the sequel will be even better than the original. I guess we'll just have to wait until July to find out.



(Created on 11th April 2011)

Vote #193


Unashamedly I resort once again to the top ten lists for this week's vote question. Through extensive internet research I came across a list of the top ten most bizarre things a car has been covered in. Which of the following things that a car has been covered in do you think is the most bizarre?


Chocolate, Cigarettes, Grass and Postage Stamps tied with 25% of the votes each from the following:

  • Chocolate (25%)
  • Cigarettes (25%)
  • Coins (0%)
  • Crystals (0%)
  • Grass (25%)
  • Musical Instruments (0%)
  • Nail polish (0%)
  • Postage Stamps (25%)
  • Sticky Notes (0%)
  • Toy Cars (0%)


A pretty irrelevant vote question attracting very little interest. Votes pretty evenly spread which basically means that there's a view that whatever you cover your car with, it's bizarre. I guess you should just leave your car alone.



(Created on 17th April 2011)

Vote #194


Well, presumably you've all received your invitiations to the wedding by now. I think mine got lost in the post somewhere - perhaps the royals didn't know I'd moved house. Anyway, not to worry, the event will be over covered on TV. Are you going to watch the wedding on the 29th?


Yes and No tied with 40% of the votes each from the following:

  • Yes (40%)
  • No (40%)
  • What wedding? (20%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
18th April 2011
It's an extra bank holiday - that's all that's good about it. However if you do want a truly unique momento we are offering a limited edition royal wedding cash passport, much more useful that the £15 commemorative mug (which is what you'll be if you buy one).


Pretty much a split vote - I would think this is probably going to be the most watched event of the decade (and we're only just starting that). I won't be watching, but Karen is going to try. I have nothing against it, just complete lack of interest. I would imagine the extra public holiday in the UK is well received. I do wonder if the UK is going to shut down for the next week as I imaging most people will take off the days between Easter and the wedding to make a longer holiday of it. We'll just have to wait until Thanksgiving before we get our big public holiday over here in the US.



(Created on 25th April 2011)

Vote #195


Amongst many other things, I've just put in my order for tickets to various events in the 2012 Olympics. Basically, you pick what you want to go to, submit an application and then you're in a lottery. If nobody wants to go to the event you selected, then you'll get a ticket. If, however, many people have put in for a ticket then it's the luck of the draw. Will we get the tickets we ordered for the 100m final?


No was the clear winner with 71% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (29%)
  • No (71%)


I am worried that there's a conspiracy that will keep Owen and myself away from the 100m final. I believe there's concern that we will be mistaken for the athletes and will take the limelight away from the actual competitors. Unfortunately, no may be the correct answer if that's the case.



(Created on 2nd May 2011)

Vote #196


A tricky one this week as we dig into the human body and ask the all important question about ourselves ... why can't you tickle yourself?


Because the brain knows where the touch is coming from and doesn't invoke a reaction (laughing) was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • I can tickle myself (33%)
  • Because it's illegal (0%)
  • It would be too much fun (0%)
  • It would cause too many embarrasing moments (0%)
  • Because the brain knows where the touch is coming from and doesn't invoke a reaction (laughing) (67%)


Just to be boring, laughing when tickled is a natural reaction and is actually caused by panic. It's a response to things crawling on your skil apparently. Even when you know someone is going to tickle you, it still invokes a response as, so I've read on the internet, there is still a part of you that doesn't know if you're going to get hurt and this causes you to laugh. Not sure I follow all of this. I suggest you try for yourself - go stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom and try tickling yourself to see whether or not you can do it.

I think the person that said they can tickle themselves should video themselves and post it on YouTube.



(Created on 9th May 2011)

Vote #197


I'm in one of those indecisive moods - should I get a Chinese or Thai takeout tonight?


Neither - cook something and don't be so lazy was the clear winner with 50% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Chinese (25%)
  • Thai (25%)
  • Neither - go for something different (0%)
  • Neither - cook something and don't be so lazy (50%)


“Cook something and don't be so lazy” !! Really?? Really?? Like that's going to happen. What on earth were take aways invented for? Well, if you really want to know, I had a Thai and it was very nice. So if you're over and visiting and in the mood for a Thai, I know just the place to go - either for eat in or take out.



(Created on 16th May 2011)

Vote #198


After going through a big ordeal of signing William up for swimming lessens and arranging a sitter to pick him up from school to take him. The first sitter no showed. The next day the second showed and took him, but he wouldn't go in the pool. This week is plan B with a different swimming class, but will William go in the pool this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Yay! 100% of the votes going for yes and 100% of the voters correct. William did indeed go for a swim. In fact, he went three times last week and is looking forward to his lessons this week.



(Created on 23rd May 2011)

Vote #199


Another completely irrelevant question to most people out there. I've had to pick four dates for a firm meeting (you select four and then get allocated one of the four to attend a meeting). One of those four dates conflicts with when Mr O is coming over to watch the NASCAR trucks in Vegas and I'd like to go. I find out this week which meeting I will attend. Will I be able to go to the NASCAR trucks with Owen in October or will I have a conflict with a firm meeting?


Yes - you will get your first meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes - you will get your first meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen (80%)
  • Yes - you will get your second meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen (20%)
  • No - you will get your third meeting choice that conflicts with the race with Owen (0%)
  • Yes - you will get your fourth meeting choice and can go to the race with Owen (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
28th May 2011
This is of course depends upon whether I can sort out flights or not.


Unfortunately I can't actually put an answer to this question as yet as I haven't received confirmation back as to which event I will be attending. Hopefully I'll find out next week and I'll pop back to post the answer given that I know you're on the edge of your seat waiting to see where this one goes.



I know everyone's been waiting for the update on this one ... well, I finally have it (update June 19th). I got my first pick, so I will indeed be going to the Indy and truck race with Owen. I've already purchased the tickets and put in my calendar.



(Created on 29th May 2011)

Vote #200


Some weeks I struggle to come up with vote questions, but other weeks they're handed to me on a plate. Yesterday we were out walking and I asked William what he thought the speed of the fastest bird could fly. After he provided his answer, I asked Karen the same question. She started by saying that she thought it was a [blank]. What bird did Karen think flew the fastest?


Mallard, Peregrine Falcon and Emu tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Hawk (0%)
  • Golden Eagle (0%)
  • Mallard (33%)
  • Peregrine Falcon (33%)
  • Sparrow (0%)
  • Wren (0%)
  • Emu (33%)


I'm surprised that eveyone didn't guess this right. Karen did indeed think the emu is the fastest flying bird. That well know flying bird.


1 comment
Mr O
6th June 2011
Hmm, I obviously know Karen too well, either that or can read the tone of your questions.