
(Created on 10th January 2016)

Vote #441


I'm going to guess there may be a zombie theme to the next few weeks of questions as I'm binge watching The Walking Dead. Do you think you could survive a zombie apocalypse?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


I guess most people think they will survive which is not surprising as generally most people don't sit there contemplating death. It was probably the wrong question to ask as it might have been more appropriate to ask whether you would want to survive. The reality is that if you survived, you'd probably be taken out by some kind of plague given the number of dead bodies rotting away. Sticking with that theme for a minute, I think the best place to hide from zombies would be in a maggot farm. Maggots only eat dead skin, which is why they can be used in medicine. They'd feast away on zombies. The only problem would be the speed at which they ate the zombies. Chances are they'd be on you before the maggots got to do their thing. Just a random thought I decided to share.



(Created on 17th January 2016)

Vote #442


We're going to follow the zombie theme for another week. I'll probably be bored after that. What do you think you'd seek out most in a zombie apocalypse?


Pornography was the clear winner with 29% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Food (0%)
  • Water (0%)
  • Shelter (14%)
  • Companionship (0%)
  • Weapons (14%)
  • Medical Supplies (14%)
  • Transportation (14%)
  • Clothes (0%)
  • Toilet (14%)
  • Pornography (29%)


Yes, pornography is obviously the most important thing you're going to need in a zombie apocalypse. No need to worry about trivial things like water, food and shelter ... straight to the most important thing and that's how to maintain a boner. The only unusual thing is that pornography is not what I voted for. I can't actually remember what I selected, probably weapons on account of the fact that if you have weapons you can steal other people's pornography.



(Created on 24th January 2016)

Vote #443


Alright, well I'm caught up on the latest episodes of the Walking Dead show, so this may be last in the series of zombie questions, but no promises as it does seem an easy topic to revert to when I can't think of other questions. The one thing that happens quite a lot is that the survivors become surrounded by zombies and this begs the question - what would you do if you had to make your way through a hoard of zombies?


Disguise yourself as a zombie and walk through, Go all guns blazing and Stay put and read your pornography tied with 33% of the votes each from the following:

  • Run through as fast as you can (0%)
  • Disguise yourself as a zombie and walk through (33%)
  • Slash your way through with a knife (0%)
  • Go all guns blazing (33%)
  • Stay put and read your pornography (33%)


Zombie overload, everybody's bored of the zombie questions. Not to worry, there will be a change this week. Seems like there's no consistent answer between being stealthy and going in all guns blazing. The problem I have with stealth mode is that if one of the zombies sees through your disguise, you're toast. The all guns blazing at least makes you think you're in control. Well, until you run out of bullets anyway. Have you noticed that in any film with a semi automatic pistol, someone fires off all the rounds, ejects the clip and then puts in a new clip. That's all well and good for the first battle, but you're going to run out of magazines at some point .... then what you gonna do? Those magazines don't exactly load quickly.



(Created on 31st January 2016)

Vote #444


I actually did a days work this week. I don't mean the usual nothingness I produce, I was actually out at a client for a full day looking at documents, talking to people and coming up with conclusions. Scary I know, but hey .... I still got it! Anyway, whilst running round the office I was at I happened to notice the pretty girl with the short skirt and boots. Well yes, you're going to notice her ... and she dressed that way so you do notice her. Anyway, every time I saw her she was propping up a doorway to someone's office striking that pose. You know the one, the pose that says you're going to do all my work for me because you want to sleep with me and I'm going to flirt with you just long enough for you to do it all. And then ignore you because you're not important. I didn't check, but I guarantee that all the doorways she was leaning on were those to males. I could be wrong, but you know I'm not. So, does the pretty girl in the office with the short skirt and boots actually do any work?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


Nope, of course she doesn't do any work ... and why would she. The good news is that we're getting close to the end of the weekend, so I've had time to catch up on all the little tasks she got me working on. Almost done, I hope she's pleased with what I've done because I really wouldn't want her to not like me or anything like that.



(Created on 7th February 2016)

Vote #445


Been a very busy weekend watching good old Leicester beat Manchester City, then heading into town to watch Metallica followed by hospital visit (scheduled) and Super Bowl. But it didn't quite get off to the start I'd hoped for. I picked up William from school and headed for a McDonalds. When I got home I found something missing from my order. What do you think was missing from my Big Mac meal order?


Big Mac was the clear winner with 80% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Fries (0%)
  • Drink (0%)
  • Ketchup (20%)
  • Big Mac (80%)


Yes, you got it. Well, at least most of you did. My Big Mac meal was missing the Big Mac. I mean seriously! It's not difficult. They made the menu simple so the folks working there would know what to serve. Anyway, I ended up eating the fries with a microwave curry ... was actually quite nice.



(Created on 14th February 2016)

Vote #446


I'm somewhat bewildered by the fact that the hackers, after years of failing to hack this site have resorted to posting spam ads on the Open Blog Forum. Bit weird as I'm pretty sure they're being posted manually and not by a bot, but I guess it could be a bot too. Anyway, do Russian hackers have anything better to do than post car insurance adverts on my blog?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)


Well, that result was pretty unanimous. Must be sad to be a Russian hacker. Even less of a life than me ... and that's saying something.



(Created on 21st February 2016)

Vote #447


There are theories that there are an infinite number of universes playing out an infinite number of possibilities. Assuming that theory is correct then Donald Trump is going to make it into the presidency in one of them. If Donald Trump gets in as president in this universe or any parallel universe, will there be a huge implosion and the end of the space time continuum?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)


Another unanimous result. The funny thing is, this question has come up several times this week. Not the bit about multiple parralel universes, just the bit about their being an implosion if Trump makes President. Haven't heard anyone refer to an explosion, just implosion. I have to be honest though, him running does make the presidential campaign much more interesting.



(Created on 28th February 2016)

Vote #448


The joys of being in Sin City with a curious 10 year old. William was extremely amused when he saw the bar “Dicks Last Resort” as he knows what a dick is. On the way to the fun dungeon he was even more amused that you could buy underwear that says “I ♥ Dicks”. Then came this week's vote question, why does it say “I ♥ Dicks” on women's underwear?


You'll find out when you're older was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Err yeah (0%)
  • Don't know (0%)
  • Because girls like dicks (0%)
  • Ask you mum (33%)
  • You'll find out when you're older (67%)


The correct answer is indeed you'll find out when you're older. I haven't ducked any questions, including the one about where babies come from. I've simply offered an alternative solution to finding out the answer to the question even if it does involve an element of time.



(Created on 6th March 2016)

Vote #449


There are a few questions that spring to mind post this weekends windy NASCAR race, not least or which is where is my hat? But that is not the one we're going with. No, there is a far more important question that arose prior to today's proceedings. Does Owen mind waiting for a gentleman to powder his plums or would he prefer them to be on time and raw?


Powdered plums was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Powdered plums (100%)
  • Raw and ready (0%)


He didn't even protest his innocence, but the voters are correct. Owen said he didn't mind waiting whilst a gentleman powders his plums.



(Created on 13th March 2016)

Vote #450


I'm out of time to think of a vote question, so I'm going with the first one I saw on the BBC website. Is Wenger nearing the end at Arsenal?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


The man who will last forever. Surprised that most folks think he's going to continue. That said, there's still a chance he can sneak the title this year. Arsenal have definitely got the easiest run in to the end of the season, but I'm just hoping Leicester can hold on.
