
(Created on 23rd April 2023)

Vote #811


After getting a refund on the mobility scooter I ordered, I've ordered another one. Now, the issue with the first one is that it was badly damaged when I received it. The box was badly damaged so it was either shipped damaged or it was damaged during shipment. An issue for the seller and shipper to sort out. Now, my new order has shipped. Who do you think is shipping my new order?


Ding Hong was the clear winner with 43% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Fedex (14%)
  • DHL (14%)
  • XPO (14%)
  • UPS (0%)
  • USPS (14%)
  • Ding Hong (43%)


OK, so it was actually shipped by FedEx, however, I got a note about a shipment and it was USPS that when you clicked to track it noted that it was being shipped by Ding Hong which apparently is a Chinese shipper that coordinates with USPS. That package, however, was just for some cane holders and not the scooter itself.



(Created on 30th April 2023)

Vote #812


OK, so the new scooter arrived and it wasn't damaged on arrival so I took it out ... down the Bay Trail ... which doesn't allow motorized vehicles including scooters, however, I did look online and it said there was an exception for mobility devices and I figured why not go for it and let someone tell me I'm not supposed to be there. As you would expect, nobody I came across cared and pretty much everyone is friendly and says hello, so yeah. Now, the first part of the trail is a nice paved area, but then you get onto a hard gravel / stone type trail. So I figured it made sense to hoon it down there at the 12mph top speed which was like sitting on a jack hammer, but lots of fun. At least until we blew out the front right tire. The scooter has solid tires on the rear and air tires on the front. Presumably to give a bit of shock absorption. Now, I'm note entirely sure we've blown out the tire as it is currently holding air after we pumped it back up, but it definitely lost all its air. Some mini testing is required, but assuming it's damaged, I can either replace the innertube or there appears to be solid tires available. The wheel is the same size as the e-scooters and apparently they've suffered many punctures so a lot of models have switched to solid rubber, but with holes in to provide some flexibility/cushioning. All this to say, if I have a puncture on my mobility scooter, should I replace the innertube or switch to solid tires?


Solid tires was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Inner tube (33%)
  • Solid tires (67%)


Back to normal with a vote that nobody cares about. Yeah, I think going to solid is the right answer, but I've pumped up the current tires and they're holding out pretty well. At least for the spin around Heather Farm I did on Saturday, so I'll probably leave these on until I notice problems. Plan is to go out with William next weekend and do a bit more off-roading, so we'll see if that causes problems or not. If the tire goes down again, I'll replace both of them. After William's carried me back because I can't ride the scooter due to a flat tire 😁



(Created on 7th May 2023)

Vote #813


A crowning weekend with King Charles being coronated and Max Verstappen demonstrating he's currently the undisputed king of Formula 1. Will I ever be the king of anything?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Interesting, I have no idea what I was thinking of when I set this vote question. Likely that I couldn't think of a question and this was all that came to mind. I have no delusions of grandeur, I don't intend or expect to be king of anything, but it appears the majority think I will attain such a level. Perhaps king of my own bedroom or something insignificant like that.



(Created on 14th May 2023)

Vote #814


We're just about to head into a triple header weekend in Formula 1. At the beginning of the season, I asked if anyone could end Owen's reign, but it seems he's not firing on all cylinders as they say and he's lagging behind in the competition. Perhaps these three races are what he needs to turn it around, but as it stands, there's only one critical question. Has Owen got a little behind?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Although this is clearly a joke question I need to start by acknowledging how tragic the floods are in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. As much of an F1 fan that I am, there wasn't any alternative but to cancel the race that was supposed to run this past weekend. There were talks about them potentially looking to reschedule, but I'm not sure how possible that would be given the heavy schedule for the remainder of the season and also the amount of planning it takes to put an event on like this.

Back to the vote question, however, I'm somewhat surprised that there were some yes votes. I mean, Owen's lost a lot of weight recently, but I wouldn't go as far as to say he's got a little behind.



(Created on 21st May 2023)

Vote #815


I got put on some new antibiotics on Friday. Not sure why, but I read the warnings label ... I think I was looking to see if I could drink alcohol while on them. Which of the following side effects do you think I'm suffering from on my new antibiotics?


Severe Diarrhea was the clear winner with 57% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Diarrhea (14%)
  • Worsening Diarrhea (29%)
  • Severe Diarrhea (57%)


Yeah, so these tablets had on them that they may cause diarrhea. As you read further, there’s a warning about worsening diarrhea. After that, there’s a not that in rare cases they may cause severe diarrhea. I did indeed have what I would consider to be severe diarrhea. As soon as I ate or drank anything, the walls got a brown coating. I did message the doctor and they told me to stop the tablets, however, by the time I got the reply I only had one tablet left. Also, the symptoms appeared to have stopped. I’m a bit lost as to whether it was the tablets or a violent reaction to something I ate or drank. The only other thing I can think it was would have been the organic tea I drank in a coffee shop where I met a friend. Oh well, all appears to be well now.



(Created on 28th May 2023)

Vote #816


Holiday time is here and I've booked my summer trip back to England. I'm debating if I want to tackle up and dangle my little maggot in a pond again. Should I go fishing on my summer holiday?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)


I definitely want to go fishing while I’m back, I just don’t know if I’ll have the time. The challenge is more the amount of time it will take to sort my kit out in order to go. I’m going to need to re-spool a reel with line and/or re-elasticate a pole which is quite time intensive. I’ll need to think about this a little more to see if I can figure out how to get a day or two in.



(Created on 4th June 2023)

Vote #817


It seems that this week is a big nothing week. There’s nothing major going on and nothing in particular to look forward to. I think it’s that calm before the storm type thing where everyone is heads down before heading into holiday season that really hits in the US the July 4th week. Do you have anything you’re looking forward to this week?


No was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (33%)
  • No (67%)


Well, good for the folks that did have something on last week. My week ended up being a stinker. I thought it was going to be a nothingness week, but ended up being crazy busy and not in a good way.



(Created on 11th June 2023)

Vote #818


For some unknown reason, William decided to challenge me to a race with me on the scoot and him running around the last lap I did which was 4.6 miles long. I told him before we started that he wouldn’t be able to run the whole distance let alone at the speed the scoot goes. I was right. By a long way. It ended up being a slow stroll around the neighborhood. Should I tie a rope around William and attach it to the back of the scooter next time so if he slows down we end up dragging him around the neighborhood?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)


Yes, I think a bit of tough love is needed to whip this boy into shape. Although, if we’re being honest, it’s me that needs whipping into shape as I do appear to have become somewhat of a blob.



(Created on 18th June 2023)

Vote #819


I seem to have spent the weekend not really doing very much and avoiding the things I really should do. Did anybody else procrastinate this weekend?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)


Yeah, it definitely was a weekend of doing not very much really. The trouble here in the US is we're about to head into the July 4th week where everyone will have plans, so there's not too much going on ahead of that.



(Created on 25th June 2023)

Vote #820


Talking to friends about what to do when I come back to England for the summer holidays and Louisa came up with an idea for a game. Do you think it's a good idea to drop some mentos into a 2 liter bottle of coke then push it up my bum to see how high I shoot into the air?


Yes was the clear winner with 100% of the votes from the following selection:

  • Yes (100%)
  • No (0%)

Pre-Result Discussion

The Hamster
26th June 2023
Why bother with the bottle of coke, just shove as many mentos up your arse as possible, it'll have the same effect
1st July 2023
I'm trying to see how high I can get, ha ha


Of course this is a good idea. I’ve no idea why I’ve not thought about doing this before. We can have hours of fun. The trouble is, it’s like everything. It’ll be fun until I shoot over the next door neighbor’s fence and someone has to go round and knock on the door to ask for me back. Like when you lose your football and it always goes over the miserable persons fence.
