
Links to family videos and events with a brief description of the video. Clicking the link will take you to the video player where you can watch the streaming version of the video or download the full resolution video.

Note that the earlier videos were made in a time before HD and so the quality is not the best, sorry

#Title / DateDescription
50 Zaphod Attack
January 30th, 2025
Unfortunately some water on the camera. I'd been sat outside having a cup of tea so Trillion would come out and run around for a bit. I noticed the edging of the lawn sticking up and went to see if there was an easy fix to push it back down. Zaphod seemed to think I wanted to play with him.
49 Young Padawan
December 16th, 2024
Young Padawan has been trained well. They get into the wardrobe in the morning when I'm getting dressed, but normally come out pretty quick as I go and feed them after. I was dawdling around this morning and ... well, tasty ties. You can hear me calling her in the background and she comes before doing any damage because she wanted to be fed.
48 Tie Fighter
November 5th, 2024
I've not let the cats in my wardrobe much, but it's one of Trillion's favorite spots as it gets the sun in the morning and there's a cushion by the window that she can curl up on. I'd let them in a couple of times, but noticed that my ties had been pulled off the tie rack. I didn't want to jump to conclusions as to who the culprit was and, to be honest, I was hoping it was her just for something different and a surprise. But no, we all know who it was. I decided to setup on of the cameras facing away from everything into the corner where the ties were and put the alarm on it with the thought that I'd catch the culprit in action, but they'd get scared off. I got half of it right.

The thing that fascinates me is his thought process as he goes through this. I've put fade to black transitions between each visit and you can see the time change on the screen, but it's kind of like this:
  • Visit 1 (still dark, camera on infra red) alarm goes off, doesn't scare him away, but distracts him.
  • Visit 2 (35 seconds into vid) He goes back and tries to figure out the noise. You can hear him talking to the alarm with his little chirps trying to get it to be quiet.
  • Visit 3 (1:59 into the vid) He tries to sneak in from underneath to avoid the alarm.
  • Visit 4 (2:40 into the vid) He remembers why he was there in the first place and goes back to the ties but does seem to get distracted.
  • Visit 5 (3:51 into the vid) He's having those ties, but something else seems to distract him.
  • Visit 6 (4:53 into the vid) Fuck it! It's time to eat ties and screw that alarm. (Where does he go at 6:19?).
  • Visit 7 (7:36 into the vid) More of the same until he hear daddy coming to tell him off.

I'm quite pleased with the title of this video given the companion video when Zaphod takes down the Death Star.
47 Zaphod joins the Rebel Alliance
November 5th, 2024
In an unlikely cross over, Zaphod joins the Rebel Alliance to take down the Death Star. Sadly this camera didn't record the start of what happened. To be honest, I'd have loved to have seen it. Needless to say, this happened mid way through the Tie Monster incident.
46 Cat Play, Tricks and Pounce
November 4th, 2024
I still can't stop the camera from recording, stopping, recording, stopping, so this is about 12 videos stitched together and you'll notice the jumps on the joins. Really just me playing with the cats, but a couple of noteworthy points: 4:14 big jump from Zaphod, but mostly off camera, 8:56 Football chants at Trillion, 10:49 Zaphod flies at a hummingbird outside the window, 11:55 treat and obedience starts, 12:30 Zaphod ignores his training, 13:07 Zaphod redeems himself
45 Baby Kangaroo
November 3rd, 2024
Alright, so I couldn't find any of these in men's. I have no idea why, but it looked hilarious so I bought one. It's a little on the snug side if I say so myself. I'm guessing women's sizes are different from men's.
44 Papoose x2 and Jump Fail
October 31st, 2024
It's Halloween, but that's just a coincidence. I'd just shouted at my little boy as he'd been on the table, so I put him in the papoose again. Trillion made an amazing appearance with a failed jump. In fairness, I think this is the first time I've seen her slip. He does it all the time - very clumsy. That said, she doesn't jump much ... I guess it shows.
43 Cat in a Papoosef
October 28th, 2024
Didn't use the trolley to get the shopping this week, so decided to take my little boy for a ride in a papoose (that I got for him as I thought he'd like it).
42 More Cat Shopping
October 14th, 2024
Another video of me coming in with the shopping. This time with the cat on the top shelf of the trolley.
41 Stepladder Cat
October 11th, 2024
Yup, I really can't move anything around the house now without it being hijacked by a cat. Interesting that he tried to pull my trousers down at the end. I guess I should tie the strings and tuck them inside. Either that or I'm going to get a claw in a bollock sooner or later
40 Shopping
October 7th, 2024
Just bringing the shopping in. Nothing to see here.
39 Zaphod Blind String
September 24th, 2024
When I bought the house, the seller kept going on about the "high end blinds" that were in. Interestingly enough I've had a couple of visitors and shown them how to use the blinds as they are a little quirky. I'm not entirely sure what happened here. This blind string should be on the window in the background. I'm guessing my little boy rolled over on it and jumped off. Anyway, this is how not to use the blinds.
38 Cat In A Basket
September 15th, 2024
I'd had a friend round on the Friday who I'd not seen for about 15 years. He randomly sent me a message saying he was in town and he ended up coming round. We pretty much spent the afternoon, evening and into the early hours drinking. We'd been sat outside and it was a little windy, so we were putting the empties in this basket. He'd left it by the trash and when I put the trash on the street, I brought the basket back in. I put it on the floor when I got in and the cat immediately jumped in, making the basket fall on its side. I figured he'd jump out when I picked it up, but no. He came along for the ride across the house. I kept the bit of me coming by the front door camera even though it's not much of a vid of me, but then as I turn into the kitchen, I get picked up by the dining room camera.
37 Automatic Feeder
September 10th, 2024
I'd been playing with the cats, getting them to run round and chase the wand. I'd given them a few treats and I thought I'd try and see if I could get them to come for a cuddle. They were slowly making their way there when I realized I'd set the automatic feeder to go off at 1:00 in the afternoon. Although you can hear it go of, it was the moment the cats scarpered that made me remember.
36 Cat Cuddle
September 5th, 2024
The day after the vet visit and I was worried that the cats would be annoyed with me. Seems I had nothing to worry about.
35 Cat Fishing
September 2nd, 2024
The first longer video of the cats. This time with me playing with them with what seems to be their favorite toy to date which is just a toy dangling from a stick with a bell on it. The good thing is that when they hear the bell, they come running (who needs food Pavlov?). This is my best chance of catching them to take them to the vet this week. I can at least lure them into a room and then go from there.
34 Cat Tree
August 29th, 2024
The start of what I'm sure will be a plethora of kitty videos. The first is of them just playing on their cat tree.
33 Cat Pounce
August 29th, 2024
Quick vid of a pounce play
32 William's Graduation
May 29th, 2024
Me surrounded by all my friends at William's graduation
31 William's Graduation
May 29th, 2024
William receiving his diploma at graduation and me going crazy cheering.
30 COVID-19 Haircut Revenge
April 18th, 2020
William getting his own back as it's his turn to cut my hair
29 COVID-19 forces me to cut William's hair
April 8th, 2020
A video of me trying to cut William's hair using a beard trimmer
28 William's 13th Birthday
October 20th, 2018
A video from William's birthday
27 William's 11th Birthday
October 22nd, 2016
A video from William's birthday
26 William's 9th Birthday
October 19th, 2014
A couple of videos from William's birthday
25 William's 9th Birthday
October 19th, 2014
A couple of videos from William's birthday
24 William Playing Baseball 1
April 12th, 2014
Video 1 of 4 videos taken on my new 3D camera ... unfortunately the camera only lets you see in 2D as you record and I was unaware that the right lens was obscured by the chain fence. These videos have been cropped into 2D and are really not the best quality at all!
23 William Playing Baseball 2
April 12th, 2014
Video 2 of 4 videos taken on my new 3D camera ... unfortunately the camera only lets you see in 2D as you record and I was unaware that the right lens was obscured by the chain fence. These videos have been cropped into 2D and are really not the best quality at all!
22 William Playing Baseball 3
April 12th, 2014
Video 3 of 4 videos taken on my new 3D camera ... unfortunately the camera only lets you see in 2D as you record and I was unaware that the right lens was obscured by the chain fence. These videos have been cropped into 2D and are really not the best quality at all!
21 William Playing Baseball 4
April 12th, 2014
Video 4 of 4 videos taken on my new 3D camera ... unfortunately the camera only lets you see in 2D as you record and I was unaware that the right lens was obscured by the chain fence. These videos have been cropped into 2D and are really not the best quality at all!
20 William “Playing” With Toy
July 14th, 2013
A great video that falls into the William's going to be embarrased when I play this to his girlfriend category. (0 minutes 43 seconds long)
19 William Ice Skating
December 26th, 2011
A short video taken by someone else of William Ice Skating at Walnut Creek on Ice. (0 minutes 54 seconds long)
18 William and Yoda Christmas 2011
December 25th, 2011
A quick video of William opening Yoda, a 2011 Christmas present. (1 minutes 07 seconds long)
17 Billy Goats Gruff School Play
October 18th, 2010
William's first performance in a school play. (4 minutes 57 seconds long)
16 William Playing Soccer 1
October 9th, 2010
Some mobile phone videos of William playing soccer. I rather like the bloke in the background trying to score a basket in video 3.
15 William Playing Soccer 2
October 9th, 2010
Some mobile phone videos of William playing soccer. I rather like the bloke in the background trying to score a basket in video 3.
14 William Playing Soccer 3
October 9th, 2010
Some mobile phone videos of William playing soccer. I rather like the bloke in the background trying to score a basket in video 3.
13 William On His Bike
October 3rd, 2010
After much screaming and stomping around, William has learnt to ride his bike. Here's a very short video of his success. (23 seconds long)
12 William At The Drinking Fountain in the Park
July 9th, 2010
We were out at a local park in Walnut Creek. Scooter had been running around and decided he needed a drink, only the water fountain turned out to be rather exuberant. Rather than help, I figured it far more practical to pull out my mobile and video his efforts (1 minute 14 seconds long).
11 William At The Gym
April 15th, 2008
Karen signed William up for gym sessions and took the camera along to video his activities. I have to say, I'm really jealous and want to have a go on the “spinny round thing” that William plays with in the middle of these clips (where his feet start flapping around in mid air). I also wouldn't mind a go on the trapeze, but I guess someone has to go to work to pay for it. (4 Minutes 52 seconds long)
10 William Riding His Scooter
March 3rd, 2008
Karen taking a walk along Ocean Beach front whilst William rides his scooter (1 Minute 07 seconds long)
9 William's Second Birthday
October 20th, 2007
The big day! William's second birthday. I think I was supposed to video the happy event, but after being with a bunch of two year olds for a couple of hours I wasn't really seeing the happy side of things. I did think about breaking this clip up into the birthday song happy bit and then doing another to the theme tune of “The Great Escape.” In the end I've left it altogether. And, if I say so myself, I'm rather pleased as to how well my narration has come out - even though I'm going to be sleeping on the couch for a while. (5 Minutes 01 seconds long)
8 William opening his birthday presents
October 19th, 2007
Poor old daddy had to be in the office early and Karen insisted on giving William his presents in the morning, so I missed out on this. You will notice a couple of things:

  • First, Karen goes to the trouble of setting the video camera up on the tripod and then sits with her back to it
  • Second, The cameo by the cat - not the one at the beginning, the second one that comes in, flicks his tail, moons the camera and walks off through the kitchen
  • Third, which present did Karen forget to bring up and video? Yep, the one from her parents. No turkey for her at Christmas!

Amazing what you pick up on when you're doing the editing and have to watch each clip about 100 times. (3 minutes 50 seconds long)

7 William Eats Sand
February 21st, 2007
William on his first trip to the beach with his mother decides he has a liking for sand. We've always said he'll eat anything. (25 seconds long)
6 William Plays With Kes
February 10th, 2007
A short clip of William with a feather duster playing with Kes (30 seconds long)
5 Video Clips from William's First Year
December 31st, 2005
Video clips from William's first year put together with an interesting introduction. (6 minutes 59 seconds long)
4 Morphing Slideshow of William's First Year
December 31st, 2005
Extensive use of special effects to create an animated slideshow of William's first year including the morphing of three dimensional shapes. (7 minutes 45 seconds long)
3 William Slideshow Year 1 (Alternative)
December 31st, 2005
Different music and more humorous animated slideshow of William's first year (3 minutes 22 seconds long)
2 William Slideshow Year 1
December 31st, 2005
Pictures of William from his first year put together in an animated slideshow (8 minutes 02 seconds long)
1 Wedding
November 12th, 2003
Video of our wedding that doubles up as a practical joke on the unsuspecting best man. That said, this was taken with a borrowed video camera and the video is really bad consisting mainly of shots of peoples legs. If you can put up with the bad video and poor editing (I can't re-edit as don't have the source files), the conversation and ongoing joke is quite funny. Big warning on the file size here and apologies for the bad language at the beginning of the car journey. (27 minutes 45 seconds long; November 2003). (Note, I can re-edit now, but can't be arsed).