
(Created on 23rd August 2009)

Vote #109

The following question was presented:

Well, I've got my little vacation coming up where Billy boy and I are returning to the UK for 10 days on September 2nd. Now, the big question that everyone goes through the last week before a vacation - will I get everything done at work this week that I need to before going on vacation or will I be scrambling up to the last minute next week?


No - just find someone to delegate the remaining crap to was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes - you super efficient person you (0%)
  • No - it's part of the law of going on vacation (33%)
  • No - but you shouldn't worry about it (0%)
  • No - just find someone to delegate the remaining crap to (67%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting. I would initially say that things are going pretty well and I don't really have anything stacked up as I prepare to leave on Tuesday. So, I'd be leaning towards the thought that yes would have been the correct answer. Somehow, reflecting on the last week, I think that you voters out there may be correct. I've probably delegated all the crap without even thinking about it. Oh well, matters not - couple more days to go then off to the airport.
