
(Created on 26th September 2009)

Vote #114

The following question was presented:

So, here's the hypothetical situation - you're in home, your other half's gone out, you've cooked your dinner and you go to get a knife and fork out of the drawer only to find that there's nothing there, you check the dishwasher and everything's dirty (she's forgotten to turn it on ..... again ..... hypothetically). What do you do?


Fashion a means of eating using a fish slice and serving spoon was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Wash up a dirty knife and fork (0%)
  • Wash up a dirty knife and fork then put the dishwasher on to clean the rest (33%)
  • Throw your dinner away and go eat at a restaurant (0%)
  • Fashion a means of eating using a fish slice and serving spoon (67%)

Graphic of Results:



If there is such a thing as a correct answer, the voting public out there got this one right. Yes, fashioning a means of eating ones Chef Boyardee (tinned pasta stuff like ravioli) on toast with a fish slice and serving spoon is indeed the right way to go. I find that if you let the tomato source from your tinned speciality soak into the toast it makes it easier to cut with the makeshift utensils.

To those who said they'd do the washing up, please find yourself invited to my next party ... at least invited to the clean up of the party anyway.
