
(Created on 16th May 2010)

Vote #146

The following question was presented:

With the economy the way it is, nobody's happy and everybody's looking round for something better. So, you get lucky. You find your dream job and you get an interview. During the interview, you get a glass of water and knock it over the interviewer. Do you think you'll still get the job?


Yes - you'll still get the job was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes - you'll still get the job (67%)
  • No - soaking the interviewer is not a good idea (33%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

16th May 2010
I'm not suggesting this question is hypothetical, but I feel it necessary to point out that this is not me.... at least not yet, anyway.


Well, as I mentioned in my note, this was not a hypothetical question, it did indeed relate to my brother who accidentally spilt water during an interview. The good news is that he did get the job so hearty congratulations to him. I'm going to apply the same tactic and take a water pistol with me to my next interview.
