
(Created on 1st August 2010)

Vote #157

The following question was presented:

Rather interestingly, our Internet connection is down, so it's somewhat unknown as to whether this email will even go out. I'd set that as this week's vote question, but you'd kind of know how to answer given that you'd either have received the email or not. So, we need to dig a little deeper and ask something different instead. I have a friend of mine, Luke, visiting starting Thursday. I'm also hosting our intern bar-b-que on Thursday. I've got Luke an invite to the party (he has a name badge printed up), but will he attend?


Yes - because he won't have anything better to do was the clear winner with 83% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes - because he's a party animal (0%)
  • Yes - because he won't have anything better to do (83%)
  • No - he'll just hide somewhere in the house until it's over (17%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting - an overwhelming response to this in favor of Luke attending on the basis that there was nothing better to do. Sadly, you were wrong (all apart from Mr O I think). He decided to go for a walk instead as that option seemed more interesting than listening to a bunch of talk about work. I think he probably made the right decision, although the BBQ turned out quite well.
