
(Created on 6th December 2010)

Vote #175

The following question was presented:

It appears that tradition upon leaving a company is to write an email telling everyone how much you enjoyed working with them. Many people try and be funny or add something witty to these goodbye messages. Which of the following phrases would you end with in a goodbye email to work colleagues?


Boing .... said Zeberdee, So long, farewell, goodbye, auf Weidersehen, So long and thanks for all the fish and TTFN tied with 25% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Boing .... said Zeberdee (25%)
  • Hasta la vista, baby (0%)
  • Na-na-naa-na, hey hey hey, Goodbye (0%)
  • See you later .... I'm off somewhere better (0%)
  • So long, farewell, goodbye, auf Weidersehen (25%)
  • So, five-card stud, nothing wild. And the sky's the limit. (0%)
  • So long and thanks for all the fish (25%)
  • Time to bounce (0%)
  • TTFN (25%)

Graphic of Results:



Random responses then. I suspect Mr O went for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy response (so long and thanks for all the fish). The thing with that one is that it's been done before and I'd think I was copying someone, otherwise it's likely something I'd go for. I quite like the Star Trek TNG one (so, five card stud, nothing wild. And the sky's the limit). I've not seem anyone do this before, however, my vote was for the magic roundabout (boing .... said Zeberdee). Kind of has a cool checking out feel to it and nobody in the US will have a clue what it actually means.
