
(Created on 31st January 2011)

Vote #183

The following question was presented:

In a turmoil of morals, I find myself asking the question of whether you should be up front and honest or keep quiet and hope nobody finds out?


Depends on the probability of being found out was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Be up front and honest (40%)
  • Keep quiet and hope nobody finds out (0%)
  • Depends on the probability of being found out (60%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting - the majority of votes going for “depends on the probability of being found out” which, to me, is the same as saying that you'd keep quiet and hope that nobody found out as you're effecively saying that's what you'd do unless you were sure you were going to get caught. Anyway, there's probably too much hypothetical here as I didn't exactly specify what's at stake. I suspect the reality of the fact is that there's some kind of equation that weighs up the probability of being caught against the consequences.
