
(Created on 4th July 2011)

Vote #205

The following question was presented:

One of the birds I was looking for this July 4th holiday (in Tahoe) was the white headed woodpecker (which I did get to see). Whilst looking for the woodpecker, William decided to look for his own bird. What bird was William looking for on our trip to Tahoe?


Hairy Woodpecker and Rainbow Headed Woodpecker with a Gold Penis tied with 40% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Anteater (0%)
  • Bald Eagle (0%)
  • Chickadee (0%)
  • Emu (0%)
  • Golden Eagle (0%)
  • Hairy Woodpecker (40%)
  • Mallard (0%)
  • Rainbow Headed Woodpecker with a Gold Penis (40%)
  • Penguin (20%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting .... seems there were only two votes for “rainbow headed woodpecker with a gold penis” and I know one of those was me and I assume the other Karen as this was indeed the correct answer. Whilst I was searching away for the white-headed woodpecker, William turned round and said that he hoped to find a rainbow headed woodpecker. When asked to describe the bird, he added that it would have a gold penis. Not that having a rainbow head wouldn't be sufficient a distinction to identify it alone, one would have to make sure they saw its penis to make sure a correct identification was being made.

I didn't ask what the female would look like or if it would have any distinguishing features. That said, in the bird kingdom, the females do tend to be more drab than the males.

It does beg the question as to whether people would go after stealing the eggs of such a bird if it existed or whether it would be hunted for its penis.
