
(Created on 2nd December 2007)

Vote #23

The following question was presented:

How many adverts are there on TV that tell you that you can save $300+ if you switch your car insurance. Each insurance company seems to think they can save you this much from each of the others, which doesn't make sense as you'd just end up going round in a circle and ultimately they would end up paying you to have your insurance with them (if only!). So, lets figure out if it's all a scam - do you know anyone (including yourself) who has save $300+ on their car insurance by switching?


No was the clear winner with 86% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (86%)
  • I don't know anyone with a car (14%)

Graphic of Results:



A very telling result! I think for the first time we actually have a difinitive answer to a question - the insurance companies are making things up. Either that or we're all paying way too much for our insurance. I wonder if I should phone the insurance companies and tell them I'll advertise them on my site if they save me $300 .... hmmm, maybe not a bad idea.

At one point I thought we were going to have a 100% response of “no”, but at the last minute, someone didn't know anyone with a car. Obviously they don't get out much - which is kind of a catch 22, because they probably don't get out much because they don't know anyone with a car. Nevermind, Christmas is coming - maybe you can ask Santa for a car or friend with a car (or both if you want to try your luck).
