
(Created on 17th June 2012)

Vote #255

The following question was presented:

You know when someone takes something of yours and you're looking round for it and then get annoyed that you've been wasting your time as the person that took the item could have just told you. Well, nothing like that happened, but Karen did take something that belonged to me to work this past week. What item of mine did Karen take to work with her this past Friday?


My poo was the clear winner with 57% of the votes selected from the following:

  • My car keys (14%)
  • My computer (14%)
  • My mobile phone (0%)
  • My poo (57%)
  • My underpants (14%)
  • My wallet (0%)
  • My watch (0%)

Graphic of Results:



Ha ha! It was indeed my poo that Karen decided to take to work with her. Let me explain .... although, I suspect that any regular voters know the trend of things that seem to happen and that my poo pops up from time to time. I was thinking that underpants would be a good red herring, but it didn't fool the majority of you.

Anyway, what happened is that we're incentivized to have annual physicals. I think that it lowers the premiums somewhere along the line - I guess there's some research that shows the number of people that have annual physicals are less likely to have things go wrong in the year, lowering the medical cost. (Clearly I'm a statistical outlier here as it doesn't matter how much prevention we go for, I tend to have at least a couple of visits to the hospital each year). So, had the physical and was given an order to get a blood draw for every test under the sun. Went to the lab to get the blood done on Thursday and apparently I had to fast for at least 12 hours prior, so I said I'd come back on Saturday. When the phlebotomist (look at me with the big words today) looked at the order, she noticed that the request included a stool sample so she gave me the kit for it and sent me on my way.

It's a little hard to explain the kit, but basically, it was a small container with a twist off lid. The under side of the lid had something like a cocktail stick on it that you push into the poo and then put it into the container and you're done. It also came in an envelope so you could mail it off. Being the lovable joker that I am, I took out the container and showed it to Karen and made comments about the fact that I needed to take a dump in an envelope and mail it off. I made motions of how this would logistically work and then pointed out that surely it would ooze out of the side of the envelope in the mail. Ho ho!

Obviously I eventually showed Karen the actual container. So, I got the sample and left it on the side and headed to Phoenix on Friday. For some reason Karen was still stuck on the mailing bit and when I landed in Phoenix I had two voice messages. The first was to let me know that I'd left the container on the side and did I need it mailing off. The second was to say that I hadn't answered the first voicemail so she'd taken it into work with her so she could mail it off if I wanted her to.

Well, that took more explaining than I was hoping to do, but it does sort of describe the circumstances whereby my beloved took a little piece of me with her to work.
