
(Created on 23rd December 2012)

Vote #282

The following question was presented:

I guess with Christmas coming it's time to share the love and ask a seasonal question. Well, bugger that, it's all about me this year. Will I get what I want this Christmas week?


Yes - because you got it for yourself was the clear winner with 40% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes - you always get what you want (20%)
  • Yes - because you got it for yourself (40%)
  • Yes - because you've been a good boy (20%)
  • No - because your luck has run out (20%)
  • No - because nobody's going to get you anything (0%)
  • No - because you've been a naughty boy (0%)

Graphic of Results:



Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Think I'll keep this one close to my chest just to maintain an air of mystery. Actually, was thinking about the fact that, in all likelihood, the answer is that I didn't get what I want on the basis that I got it for myself and I'm an incredibly difficult person to buy presents for. At least I tried though ... it's the thought that counts isn't it?
