
(Created on 13th January 2008)

Vote #29

The following question was presented:

So I'm back in the US and at the end of my bachelor weekend before Karen and William get back. Obviously time to enjoy yourself and therefore I've been as sick as a dog and have spent the entire weekend watching B movies on TV with a bowl of chicken soup. Actually think this was food poisoning rather than the flu or some other illness, but as I reached for the home remedies I got to thinking about the stereotypical picture of someone suffering from the flu who is sat with their feet in a bowl of something with a towel on their head and to be quite honest - I've never seen anyone do this.

This week's question is therefore have you ever sat with your feet in a bowl of something and a towel on your head when suffering from the flu or other illness?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (80%)
  • Shut up whilst I try and breathe (20%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting this one as we're all aware of the image that someone sick sits over a bowl of something steaming with a towel on their heads. One presumes that the steaming substance is something that helps the ailing person breathe like a Vicks VapoRub thing. Although I suppose it could be a steaming pile of poo as the person trying to breathe isn't going to be able to smell anything anyway.

Still, if this were such an effective cold remedy why has it fallen by the wayside (as indicated by the results of the vote) and why is the imagery still used? Although I guess we all know what it means so it's still and effective visual.
