
(Created on 24th February 2013)

Vote #291

The following question was presented:

How do you top last week's corker of a question? Probably best not to try. This week I'm looking to spend the entire week in the Bay Area which will be a first for a very long time and then it's off to Vegas for the NASCAR race with Owen. Trouble is that the tickets were posted to the wrong address a couple of weeks ago. After several calls, I've finally got them to reissue them and send to the correct address ... or so they say. Will the Vegas NASCAR tickets for Owen and myself arrive this week?


No - more phone calls are necessary was the clear winner with 78% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes - they will arrive (22%)
  • No - more phone calls are necessary (78%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

24th February 2013
In all reality, if they don't arrive, it's likely going to mean a trip to the will call office to pick them up which will be a pain as I will need to be there given they're on my credit card and I won't get to Vegas until late on Friday night which means having to pick them up prior to going to the first race. Never a fun thing to have to do.


Sadly no is the correct answer. The tickets have not arrived and after yet another confusing call with the track I'm not sure they will arrive. If they haven't arrived by the time I set sail for Vegas then I have to call to make arrangement for them to be at the Will Call office for pickup ... lets hope that works as a backup plan if needed.
