
(Created on 14th July 2013)

Vote #311

The following question was presented:

Another week where inspiration fails me. Hopefully that means I'm going to have a nice, quiet, non-eventful week. Would be nice to have one of those for a change. The biggest question I have on my mind relates to the fact that I'm going to be taking William back to the UK in August and I'm going to teach him to fish. I'm meeting up with a mate who's got a kid of similar age and it's going to be both of their first times fishing. I want to make sure they have a good time and that means catching some fish. Doesn't have to be big fish, just need to catch some. So where should I take William and friend fishing?


Foston pond 3 and Somewhere else tied with 40% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Foston pond 3 (40%)
  • Portland stock pond (0%)
  • River Nene (20%)
  • Woody's kid's lake (0%)
  • Somewhere else (40%)

Graphic of Results:



An uninspired vote that resulted in voting across the board. Foston pond 3 is where I'm leaning. I'm quite interested in the somewhere else. Open to suggestions, but nobody added any comments. I'm guessing they were just bored votes. If not, feel free to add a comment now.
