
(Created on 13th October 2013)

Vote #324

The following question was presented:

How to make sense of the world through the eyes of an eight year old. My poor little baby boy was very upset as he'd been left for most of the week. To be honest, I was pretty upset about it too, but that's another story. Anyway, he was asking me all kinds of questions to make sense of the world and why mummy is divorcing daddy. I'll spare you the details for now, but there's an endless supply of vote questions in the bank waiting to be unleashed ... I digress! So, for no apparent reason (at least apparent to me), he asks whether Ivan was married. I told him he wasn't but he lived with his girlfriend Vicky. His immediate reaction was that he felt very sorry for Vicky (words I never thought I'd hear anyone say, let alone my sweet innocent boy). This week's question is why did William feel sorry for Vicky?


Ivan snores was the clear winner with 57% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Ivan is big and takes up most of the bed (0%)
  • Ivan's poo is really smelly (29%)
  • Ivan talks really loud and it's difficult to sleep (0%)
  • Ivan snores (57%)
  • Ivan is too tall to kiss (14%)
  • Ivan spends all his time in the pub (0%)

Graphic of Results:



Well, there's a bit of contention here. The answer is that Ivan's poo is really smelly. The comment from William was very specific on the subject. He said remember that time that grandpa and Ivan came back from golf and Ivan went for a poo and it stunk the house out ... well, the contention from Ivan is that it was actually his mate, Steve, who produced the offending item. I have to say that I didn't experience the event. One assumes that I was fishing at the time or at least doing something else. Anyway, it's still cute that he'd feel sorry for Vicky!
