
(Created on 20th October 2013)

Vote #325

The following question was presented:

Well, this week has been full of events that lend themselves to vote questions. One of those weeks where there was enough material for several, so I'll have to store them in the old memory banks and use them in future weeks. This week's comes courtesy of Mr O who is celebrating is birthday in Las Vegas (a belated happy birthday!). Rather poor timing as he's picked this week to be over there whilst I'm going to be in France. Anyway, Mr O was going to do a NASCAR experience whilst in Vegas, but has backed out at the last minute due to the restrictions that he was presented with. Very specific restrictions required to get in and out of the car. I was really hoping that Mr O would have attempted this and had someone shoot a video of it as I guarantee we could have made it go viral on YouTube. I don't know whether he should have backed out or not, but what do you think? Do you think Mr O could climb through a window 15" x 30" that sits 36" off the ground?


No - he would get stuck was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes - he could make it (40%)
  • No - he would get stuck (60%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

Mr O
21st October 2013
For those that follow me on Facebook already know the answer to this as I got my team at work (yes one of the perks of being a manager is that you can get your team to do random things) to create a mock up of the size of the window using scrap paper and then asked to hold it 3ft off the ground. The next step would have then to have made a frame around said paper and try it for real but time was against us.


I'm not actually clear on Mr O's response to this question. He says there's an answer, but at the same time indicates that time was against him, so I don't believe this has actually been tested. I am, however, open to throwing down the gauntlet and challenging him to a competition. I'm more than happy to give this a try as well. I'm thinking we can use my van for this experiment and just block off the top part of the window to limit it to 15". What do you say?


1 comment
Mr O
28th October 2013
If we are ever in the same country at the same time you are on, as long as we have the emergency services on immediate standby