
(Created on 17th February 2008)

Vote #34

The following question was presented:

Lying in my hospital bed (yes, that's how dedicated I am to this site - I'm in hospital and yet I'm still committed to entering a vote question), there's only one thing that I need to know. Will I make it to Fontana for the NASCAR race next weekend?


Yes was the clear winner with 57% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (57%)
  • No (0%)
  • Why bother? (43%)

Graphic of Results:



Interesting, nobody voted for “no” which would have been the correct answer. It seems like my stay at the hospital has been extended and I'm going to need a little more treatment, so I'm missing out on the rain delayed races of Fontana. The majority of people seemed to be optimistic that I would make it, but there also seems to be a significant number of people that just don't understand why I'd even want to watch cars going round and round in circles. To this latter group I say “shut it until you've tried it”. Anyway, Maybe Vegas next week - lets see.
