
(Created on 16th February 2014)

Vote #342

The following question was presented:

Well, if you read the analysis of last week's vote, you'll notice that I've indulged in rather a lot of gadgets. It's all coming together - we got the flat ready to live in first and now it's time to get it ready to play in. This week the question that jumps to mind is simply - can a man have too many gadgets and toys?


No - there's always room for another gadget was the clear winner with 86% of the votes selected from the following:

  • No - there's always room for another gadget (86%)
  • Yes - too many gadgets is a bad thing (14%)

Graphic of Results:



Boo to whoever said you can have too many gadgets. Until I get a space ship ... preferably a Bird of Prey, I don't think I'll have too many gadgets. Mind you, we are definitely way too attached to them. I thought I lost my phone on Saturday and was somewhat panicking. I had to email my buddy to get him to phone me so I could find it. Thankfully it had made its way into the bottom of a bag and it was successfully retrieved, but I was rather worried for a while.
