
(Created on 8th June 2014)

Vote #358

The following question was presented:

Well, it's the last week of school and then the good old summer holidays. Oh how I miss those times. Do you have fond memories of your summer holidays?


Yes and it was always sunny and No because it was always miserable tied with 50% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Yes (0%)
  • Yes and it was always sunny (50%)
  • No (0%)
  • No because it was always miserable (50%)

Graphic of Results:



The waning population of voters again. I'm going to guess that Mr O voted for no, because it was always raining as I voted for yes because it was always sunny. Odd that when I remember back to England it always seems to have been sunny, but I have a theory on this. When you think back, it's natural to remember the really fun things first and most of those happened on sunny days, so those fond memories will generally be of bright sunny things. Unless you're Mr O that lives in a dark, dark place where it rains constantly. Odd that he's off to Australia then. Going to be a tad warmer there than Blighty me thinks.
