
(Created on 8th August 2014)

Vote #367

The following question was presented:

Well, the vacation will be getting close to its climax next weekend as Paul has promised to bring his million dollar flying helicopter thing. Will Paul remember to bring his whirly bird next weekend?


Yes was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (67%)
  • No (33%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

11th August 2014
Yes of course I'm coming... Apparently I have to drive!
And I think he may bring the quadcopter as well!


He did indeed remember to bring his quadcopter as I now know it to be called. And lo, the villagers came from near and far to see the amazing device in action. People of all ages gathered to see the whirlybird go up into the air and then fly around taking video of the village.

I have to admit, I was really impressed with it. So much so that when it was my turn to fly it, I crashed it into a tree. All the kids had a go and they were fine. I didn't think I was anywhere near the tree and it sort of just flew into it and got stuck. What happened next was quite interesting. Paul told me to turn it off, actually meaning to shut down the motors as we could hear the propellers hitting branches, but I didn't know there was a sequence to shut down the motors, so I just powered off the handset which, ironically turned out to be the right thing to do. Once the unit loses connection with the remote, it goes into auto pilot mode and returns to its take off point. Paul had taken back the controller and thought that he was helping it get out the tree when, in fact, it miraculously emerged by itself and returned to where it took off. Had I shut down the motors, I think it would have been stuck in the tree. Anyway, the day was saved!
