
(Created on 20th September 2014)

Vote #373

The following question was presented:

I've been watching some of the old Star Trek's, so there might be a bit of a flood of Trek based questions, but one thing stands out as being quite odd. With all the technical advancement that is displayed in the 24th century with space travel, I can't help but notice that every time the enterprise (doesn't matter which one) gets into any kind of trouble, the crew goes flying from one side of the bridge to the other. Do you think they should have fitted the Starship Enterprise with seatbelts?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)

Graphic of Results:



A 50/50 split. Here's the thing - it would make perfect sense to put seatbelts on the Enterprise. I mean, all spacecraft have harnesses on them. Well, that's the spacecraft we have in operation today, but I guess they don't have inertial dampeners on them. Anyway, so it would make sense, but it wouldn't be cool. If Kirk had to ask everyone if they'd buckled in before the set course to explore new worlds it just wouldn't be the same. But then again, can anything associated with Star Trek really be cool? I think so, but that may not be unanimous.
