
(Created on 3rd May 2015)

Vote #405

The following question was presented:

I had so many questions lined up this week, but didn't write them down and after a hectic weekend, I've forgotten all of them. The test email that went out should be a clue to that. I'm writing a back end war tool for clash and was setting the notifications. I copied the script I use to send member emails and didn't change the database it was fetching the email addresses from, so rather than just send an email to myself, it set one to everyone ..... ooops. Anyway, it's time for bed and I need a question. The only one that I've been asked all day is if I know the name of the royal baby which is odd as I didn't even know she was pregnant - don't really follow that stuff. I'm guessing it's been named by now, but maybe it hasn't. Do you (or did you) care what the royal baby is going to be named?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)

Graphic of Results:



Not only did you not care, but most of you didn't care enough to vote. Well that's enough of that then!
