
(Created on 10th May 2015)

Vote #406

The following question was presented:

It seems that most of the discussion I hear about are cyber related ... vulnerabilities here and hackers there. There was a big hack attempt on this website again the other day. Cracks me up that government agencies and massive corporations are breached on a daily basis and yet my site holds firm. If you're interested, a series of scripts were uploaded that are designed to take the contents of the server and post them to a site, then delete everything leaving the message “we fuck your security”. Well you didn't. Anyway, are you worried about cyber threats?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)

Graphic of Results:



Split right down the middle. Well, you should be worried about cyber threats and then you should pay me lots of money to consult with you to help protect against those threats. If you pay me enough money, you'll have nothing left and then you won't need to worry about cyber threats again as you won't have anything to steal. My strategy is flawless. What are you waiting for? Sign up now!
