
(Created on 31st May 2015)

Vote #409

The following question was presented:

I'm not sure if this week's question comes out of frustration or observation. Maybe a bit of both. Anyway, I live a life of excessive travel and spend a lot of time going through one airport or another. I seem to get different directions from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) each time I go through. Some require iPads to come out of bags, some don't. Some require shoes and belts to come off, others don't. etc. etc. I know there needs to be security and I don't want to be flippant about it, but I've never read about someone who was planning to do something wrong being stopped or found at airport security. It seems that any potential terrorists are known and arrested well before they get to an airport and it kind of seems that the only people affected by the security are the folks who aren't trying to do anything wrong. Are you aware of airport security preventing a terrorist incident?


No was the clear winner with 80% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (80%)

Graphic of Results:



I'm not really that interested in the result of this question as much as the fact that someone answered yes, which is great news. I'm definitely not advocating or asking for less security, it's just an observation I'm making and clearly security and safety has to be the number one priority. There are just times when you get to the airport and see the queue and you can't help but sigh.
