
(Created on 23rd August 2015)

Vote #421

The following question was presented:

Alright, so I've got these amazing cookie things. Basically, it stuff you spoon onto a baking tray and put in the oven and cookies appear. I'm guessing the stuff is cookie dough, thinking about it. Anyway, the easiest thing in the world - spoon some stuff onto a tray, stick it in the oven for 12 minutes and then enjoy. So what do you think happens when you set the fire alarm off in an apartment complex?


Nothing and You get to meet your neighbors tied with 40% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Nothing (40%)
  • Lights and Sirens go off (20%)
  • You get to meet your neighbors (40%)
  • Firemen come through your door (0%)
  • Sprinklers go off (0%)
  • Apartment security pays you a visit (0%)
  • You get kicked out (0%)

Graphic of Results:



First, let me say that it wasn't my fault. Well, OK, it was completely my fault. I'd had sausages the night before and there was some fat or grease in the oven/grill thing and it started smoking as it was heating up. I hadn't put the air vent on and well, I set off the smoke detector.

Thankfully, it didn't set the sprinklers off. That was my main concern as I would have been dashing around hitting the off button on all the electronics to try and save them. What actually happened was nothing really. The things were beeping very loudly in my apartment, but when I opened the windows they soon shut up. Nobody came by to see what was going on. In all honesty, if the apartment was burning down, I think my neighbors would just sit in their units trying to figure out what's going on.
