
(Created on 30th August 2015)

Vote #422

The following question was presented:

One of the things I was wrestling with when I was back in the UK was if there's an easier way to get my fishing kit to the bank or not. I have the answer, but first the question. Does an American parent take more stuff to watch their kid play soccer than the amount of fishing kit I take fishing?


American parent takes more was the clear winner with 75% of the votes selected from the following:

  • American parent takes more (75%)
  • I take more fishing kit (25%)

Graphic of Results:



I wish I'd taken a photograph of this. When I got the soccer fields, there were rows and rows of tent things. I thought that it was nice that the facilities had put these on so that parents could put their chairs in the shade. I didn't realize that these were all owned by the over exuberant parents so they could look after themselves whilst screaming insults at their kids. Their seems to have been a run on these trolley things. I was actually really impressed with these - they are cantilevered so they fold up to go in the car and then expand so you can put all manor of junk in them. Typically, as families arrived, dad would load his cart up with the construction materials and head off to claim his piece of turf and start erecting his second home. Mum, or mom should I say, would then follow with her trolley loaded with coolers and all manner of food. The kinds then bring up the rear with their trolleys full of outdoor activity games.

Honestly, I sat on the park bench minding my own business. The only thought that went through my mind was to bring Mike with me next time so he could start digging out some foundations, then we could construct a full on building ... perhaps install a TV and a shower ... that sort of thing.
