
(Created on 15th September 2015)

Vote #424

The following question was presented:

Ooooops. Forgot to set the vote question in a timely manner again. Carried away with the weekend's taxi activities going from one soccer game to another. I think the thing that made it harder was that one of the other parents tried to do that thing that people do when they like other people. What's it again? Yeah, talk to me. Someone actually tried to talk to me which is disturbing on a whole new level. The fact that I'd deliberately sat in the corner out of the way of everyone else should have been a sign that conversation probably wasn't top of mind, but they ignored that and the miserable face and still insisted on talking. Should I make the effort to be nice to other parents or ignore them?


Be nice and Ignore them tied with 50% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Be nice (50%)
  • Ignore them (50%)

Graphic of Results:


Pre-Result Discussion

15th September 2015
Break the habits of a lifetime, Jamie, and be sociable!!!
Mr O
16th September 2015
I think a certain hot place has to freeze over before Jamie becomes socialable


I'm kind of shocked. 8 votes and I didn't post the question until late. I have no idea where 8 votes have come from as I don't even think 8 people have ever looked at this site. Surely with that many visitors, Google are going to start getting worried.

OK, to the vote. Well yeah, a mixed response. Nice of my mum to point out that I've never been social, but there you go ..... I wonder where I get it from? Honestly, it's hard. I'm not sure it's down to being unsociable. I'm very sociable with people I like. Both of them ... ha ha. It's more down to not wanting to have a conversation where someone just goes on about how good their kid is. Or, wants me to be as fanatical about the kids league as they are - which is oddly an assumption now they know I'm English and have an understanding of the game. The conversation I had with one woman where I pointed out that I thought 4 games in a weekend was too much as I only see William every other weekend now and that appears to be as a taxi, proceeded to tell me that my view was wrong, I should push William to be the best so I could be proud of him and that spending any other time with him to hang out was a waste. Those of you that know my anti social tendencies will not be wondering whether I was about to change a habit of a lifetime as opposed to wondering how it is that I didn't turn to her and tell her to fuck off. Come to think about it, I'm not exactly sure why I didn't.
