
(Created on 31st January 2016)

Vote #444

The following question was presented:

I actually did a days work this week. I don't mean the usual nothingness I produce, I was actually out at a client for a full day looking at documents, talking to people and coming up with conclusions. Scary I know, but hey .... I still got it! Anyway, whilst running round the office I was at I happened to notice the pretty girl with the short skirt and boots. Well yes, you're going to notice her ... and she dressed that way so you do notice her. Anyway, every time I saw her she was propping up a doorway to someone's office striking that pose. You know the one, the pose that says you're going to do all my work for me because you want to sleep with me and I'm going to flirt with you just long enough for you to do it all. And then ignore you because you're not important. I didn't check, but I guarantee that all the doorways she was leaning on were those to males. I could be wrong, but you know I'm not. So, does the pretty girl in the office with the short skirt and boots actually do any work?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)

Graphic of Results:



Nope, of course she doesn't do any work ... and why would she. The good news is that we're getting close to the end of the weekend, so I've had time to catch up on all the little tasks she got me working on. Almost done, I hope she's pleased with what I've done because I really wouldn't want her to not like me or anything like that.
