
(Created on 10th April 2016)

Vote #454

The following question was presented:

Well, there's only one question I can ask this week. Following the amazing success of my Twitch stream I had a few really interesting comments as this week I had a camera on me. Do you think I'm a 20 year old guy?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)

Graphic of Results:



That is correct, I am indeed a 20 year old guy. One of the folks on the stream had thought I was a 20 year old based on conversations we'd had in the game chat, but once I put a camera on, the truth was told. That said, I don't know if you ever stop believing you're 20. I seem to think that one day I'll wake up and be a spritely young man again. Hey, nobody gonna stop me dreaming!
