
(Created on 29th May 2016)

Vote #461

The following question was presented:

Well, this weekend saw the debut of the new Top Gear. I haven't seen it yet and am not sure when it is due to air in the US (that said, it may have already aired). The question though - will I like the new Top Gear?


Yes and No tied with 50% of the votes each from the following selection:

  • Yes (50%)
  • No (50%)

Graphic of Results:



Well, Pinocchio has competition. Matt LeBlanc is definitely pushing to be the number 1 wooden puppet on TV. It's amazing how good you can appear on scripted TV with good looking counterparts, but live .... you got some work to do. Chris still thinks he's delivering The Big Breakfast or TFI Friday, but that's not really a surprise as it's his one presentation style. I did kind of expect that. What happened to Sabine Schmitz? She only featured in one small part of the show. They made a big deal about the fact that Matt LeBlanc is the first overseas host of the show - well, is Sabine not a host then. Bit of a shame given she's the only one that knows how to drive. I have to be honest, I was rather looking forward to her being a big part of the show.

The show actually aired one day later over here so we didn't have to wait long for it. I have to be honest with all the above said and the complete lack of originality in the show, I didn't hate it. I wouldn't go as far as saying I liked it, but I wasn't cringing and trying to decide whether or not to turn it off. So, for the short term at least, it's on probation. It seems there's the potential to take the show places and I guess we need to give Chris and Matt more time to gel together live. We'll give it the benefit of the doubt and see how it progresses, but if it doesn't progress much from where it started, it might not have much of a lifespan.


1 comment
26th June 2016
I have to say that after four episodes, I'm quite hooked on the show. I do still think the first episode was a bit rough, but I've definitely become used to it. I guess it just goes to show that we really don't like too much change given that the format of the show hasn't really changed. I think the real reason is that I just like to watch super cars being driven. I'm probably more of a petrol head than I give myself credit for.