
(Created on 24th July 2016)

Vote #469

The following question was presented:

There's only one question spinning through my mind, whether or not to attempt my trip back to the UK this coming Wednesday, but I'm not going to ask that as the question. I'm failing miserably at trying to take emotion out of that equation - the desire to want to go back versus the reality that I'm not well enough to make the trip. Instead, I will ask a question around an article I just read on the BBC website about an endangered butterfly being saved by a small bog in Lancashire. Why is my head giving me images of a bloke with a flat cap walking to his outhouse at the bottom of his garden to look after butterflies?


Because that's what a small bog in Lancashire is was the clear winner with 75% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Because you're mad (0%)
  • Because you're fixated with (and on) toilets (25%)
  • Because that's what a small bog in Lancashire is (75%)

Graphic of Results:



Indeed, a small bog in Lancashire is an outhouse at the bottom of the garden. And there is a very dedicated man with one of said outhouses that is lovingly nurturing butterflies.
