
(Created on 9th October 2016)

Vote #480

The following question was presented:

My world of Pokemon Go has been turned upside down this week since Niantic introduced new security procedures that have stopped all the scanners from working. The funny thing is that I'd only used scanners once before, but it's way more fun than the basic game and, after having used them, it's hard to go back to trying to find pokemon blindly. The folks that make the scanners are are looking to find ways around the new security. Will the scanners be back up this week?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)

Graphic of Results:



Apparently they're close, but sadly no donut. The scanners have not been brought back yet. Best I understand it, the team is working hard to crack the necessary code and hopefully they will achieve it soon. That said, it's been raining all weekend, so I haven't had the chance to be out that much.
