
(Created on 16th October 2016)

Vote #481

The following question was presented:

I guess there's one really important question that we haven't asked yet on this site. One question that really does underlie a lot of what we are about and how we go about things. One could say that it's a question that peer's deep into the souls of an individual. Do the ends justify the means?


Yes was the clear winner with 83% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)

Graphic of Results:



I do think this is an interesting question. Yes seems to be the consensus and is consistent with my thoughts. I tend to think it's results that count .... how you get there matters, but generally is forgotten in the long run. I guess we'll see shortly whether grabbing pussy or deleting emails is the means to the White House end. Two candidates that you could argue would be better off serving time and yet one of them is going to be leading the most powerful nation. (OK, so China may be the most powerful nation, but it's pretty close and you know what I mean). Anyway, I digress.
