
(Created on 21st May 2017)

Vote #511

The following question was presented:

So, I've been binge watching an old UK TV series - Blake's 7. I commented that it was probably the second best TV show that came out of the Seventies. (I might set next week's question to guess what the number 1 show was, so will hold on that for now). I could change my mind on that though as I'm not sure the storyline and character development was as strong in Blake's 7 as The Clangers. It's close, but that Soup Dragon man! Anyway, back to this week and the question is rather simple. Which character appeared in all Blake's 7 TV episodes?


Orac was the clear winner with 50% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Kerr Avon (0%)
  • Roj Blake (0%)
  • Cally (0%)
  • Olag Gan (25%)
  • Orac (50%)
  • Vila Restal (25%)
  • Servalan/Sleer (0%)
  • Jenna Stanis (0%)
  • Del Tarrant (0%)
  • Zen (0%)

Graphic of Results:



So the correct answer is Vila. He appeared in every episode, but only just made the first one as he showed up at the end when Blake is put in prison. Avon appeared in all but the first episode. We first met him on the prison ship and he later took the lead role when Blake wandered off. Orac didn't appear until the last episode of the first series. Bit of a giveaway in that the episode was named Orac. Now for the interesting fact. The computer on the Liberator was Zen. The computer on Scorpio was Slave. Orac was the super computer. The same person did the voice over for all 3 computers. So, whilst Orac didn't appear until the last episode of the first series. The person who did the voice over appeared in all but the first 3 episodes.
