
(Created on 15th April 2018)

Vote #553

The following question was presented:

This week's question again comes courtesy of being on the road. Spending time at the airport people watching. Should ugly people be allowed to wear hot clothes?


No was the clear winner with 100% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)

Graphic of Results:



No indeed. Now here's the thing. I freely admit that I'm no work of art to look at, but I don't pretend that I am. If I'm in the airport working away on my ipad as is normal for being in the airport, I lift my head up and take a quick look down the terminal and catch a glimpse of a pair of thigh high boots coming towards me, you kind of do that whiplash look back up to confirm what you saw and check out what's actually in the boots. Well, I really don't want to run the risk of getting whiplash to look up and see something akin to what I've left in the bowl during a particularly nasty Crohns flare up. Essentially, if you face looks like a steaming pile of diarrhea, but with a worse complexion, a short skirt and thigh high boots are not for you. Don't get me wrong, everyone has the right to dress to get laid, but you really don't need those boots for that. The short skirt and accompanying desperate look gives that away.
