
(Created on 5th August 2018)

Vote #569

The following question was presented:

All week, every week I slave over a hot keyboard working to find a relevant vote question to entertain you all. Sometimes I feel the love is not shared back equally and occasionally I get blocked. Did Louisa block my vote question on purpose?


Yes was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (60%)
  • No (40%)

Graphic of Results:



She is denying that she's done it on purpose, but every week I get a bounce back saying that she's blocked my email address from sending messages to her. The weird thing is that if I forward the spam notice, that actually gets through. It's the email itself that isn't making it past the spam filter. I guess I could write what I want though as she's not going to see it because it'll be blocked.


1 comment
13th August 2018