
(Created on 4th November 2018)

Vote #582

The following question was presented:

I'm hearing and reading a lot about this FIRE movement (financial independence, retire early). Essentially it's to save enough money and live frugally to retire in your 30s. Obviously it's too late for me, but I do find it interesting. Remember the Good Life for those in the UK. I guess it's kind of the same thing. The concept sounds interesting in that you really don't need that much money to live if you're really careful. I'm just not sure I could live being that careful for that long and controlling the urge to spend on things or go with the luxuries like technology or alcohol. Do you think you could live frugally as outlined by FIRE?


Only if Felicity Kendal was with me was the clear winner with 80% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (20%)
  • No (0%)
  • Only if Felicity Kendal was with me (80%)

Graphic of Results:



I do believe there would be quite a lot you could tolerate if Felicity Kendal was with you. Although, as the saying goes ... somebody somewhere's bored of doing that. Back to the FIRE philosophy, it's going to be interesting to see how these folks fare in 30 years time. Whether it's the weather in England where I grew up, but I'm always worried about that rainy day. The what if problems and if they occur, how are you going to pay for them. I doubt anyone's going to track the progress of these folks and the reality is that I'm sure some will be successful and some will fail which is no different to what happens every day for everybody else. The other problem though would be boredom. In order to have this freedom, you're giving up the ability to have new things like cars and electronic toys that will all find essential these days. Perhaps they will be more enlightened at the end of the day .... but I'll have more Pokemon, lol
