
(Created on 30th June 2019)

Vote #615

The following question was presented:

Just watched an extremely good F1 race and thankfully the results stand, so congratulations to Max Verstappen. Without going into the specifics, there was an incident where applying the direct application of the rules may have resulted in a different decision from applying the intent of the rules in conjunction with the specifics of an incident. It is, however, an interesting topic as I've observed that some people are really happy when there are strict rules defined as it means they know exactly what they should do and how others should behave or act, whereas there are others that feel that rules are only a guideline and we should be allowed to bend them. Do you feel that rules should are there to be strictly applied or there as a guideline?


Rules should be strictly enforced was the clear winner with 67% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Rules should be strictly enforced (67%)
  • Rules should be a guideline (33%)

Graphic of Results:



This is an absolutely fascinating question in my opinion. I firmly believe that most people need rules and expect them to be strictly applied. There's a lot of social aspects to this which can be seen with the good old queue. Queue's are there to be orderly and whilst they can be annoying, everyone is happy that they are going to get their turn when it comes. But introduce a queue jumper and the rage within is set free. I also think, however, that most people believe that rules should be in place and be strictly enforced, but think it's ok to break if it's something minor - the white lie or speeding as examples. I honestly can't grasp the concept of rules and truly believe they're just guidelines. I've never felt that rules need to be followed and are just a person / group /society's opinion on what should be done.
