
(Created on 12th April 2020)

Vote #656

The following question was presented:

Well, the world is in lockdown and people are staying away from hospitals unless really sick. Unfortunately I was one of the people that needed to go into ER amidst the pandemic, but not for covid related issues. I'm going to guess that I will need several follow up tests. How many times will I have to visit medical clinics this week?


3 was the clear winner with 50% of the votes selected from the following:

  • 1 (0%)
  • 2 (0%)
  • 3 (50%)
  • 4 (25%)
  • 5 (25%)
  • 6 (0%)
  • 7 (0%)

Graphic of Results:



Yeah, I thought it was going to be quite a few, but it ended up only being one. Had a phone call with my doctors office and she sent me to see a specialist. That was the only clinic that I physically went to. Little side story - they asked me over the phone if I had covid symptoms. When I went in they asked me the same question, but asked a second which was whether or not I'd been near anyone with covid. I answered yes which freaked everyone out. I pointed out that I'd been in ER and that they were treating people in there with covid, so I must have been near people with it. The receptionist jumped up and said they'd not had anyone answer yes to that question and she didn't know what to do. She jumped up and ran in the back, then someone came out and asked me to stand in the hall to wait.
