
(Created on 2nd November 2008)

Vote #67

The following question was presented:

Last record related vote question (for a while anyway). So, as I was working my way through the collection I got to wondering - if I bought a record in the UK that was an import from the US and have now had it shipped to me in the US - what status does the record have?


Repatriate was the clear winner with 60% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Import (20%)
  • Export (0%)
  • Nothing - just a regular record now (0%)
  • Repatriate (60%)
  • Who Cares? (20%)

Graphic of Results:



Probably not the most pressing question this last week. One assumes that the US election probably consumed most people's thoughts as far as voting was concerned. So congratulations go to President Elect Obama and to “repatriate” as being the two most popular votes. One won the US election and one won the more important EastBayRag vote question. It does kind of make sense that something made in the US that was shipped to the UK and now returned to the US would be considered repatriated. I'm also in favor of the “who cares” vote as it's probably not a question pondered by many. And probably won't be again.
