
(Created on 6th September 2020)

Vote #677

The following question was presented:

We have to turn the question back to COVID I'm afraid. I was given a branded mask this weekend when I went to the track. Nice thought. Shame it didn't fit. I think I've got a rather large noggin - or at least the gap between my ears is quite big (even if it's empty). Anyway, I get that you have to wear a mask when you're out to stop the spread of air being expelled from your mouth. Should you put a mask over your arse before you fart in public to stop COVID bum air from circulating?


Yes was the clear winner with 75% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (75%)
  • No (25%)

Graphic of Results:



The thing with these masks is that they do help if someone is coughing and spluttering in that it stops their germs from flying out towards other people, but it doesn’t actually stop you from breathing in bad things if you are close. This was proven out in Safeway after going down an aisle after some woman had shit herself. Not literally. In the passing of wind sense. These masks clearly do not have any kind of filtration unit on them. That said, I do think it’s polite to pop a mask over your arse if you’re going to fart. Particularly if you’re a woman and shop in Safeway.
