
(Created on 15th May 2022)

Vote #763

The following question was presented:

Alright, so the upgrades to the website are done (at least the bits that needed to be done by the end of the month). We’ve upgraded the software, implemented SSL to secure the website communication and can now securely connect to Google to send emails …. Like this one. Anyway, while doing it I found some more functions and am going to change the look of the weekly mail starting next week. Do you think you’ll like the new look EBR weekly mail when you see it next week?


Yes was the clear winner with 80% of the votes selected from the following:

  • Yes (80%)
  • No (20%)

Graphic of Results:



Well, I hope that folks aren't disappointed. I guess the first things is whether or not the email will actually work and send out. If it doesn't, you won't be reading this, so it won't really matter. The next thing is whether I fixed the glitch I introduced last week whereby the email may have gone to you several times. If that happens again, I guess you'll be reading this a lot, ha ha! Anyway, feel free to send comments if you see the email.
